Intense creative writing for extened period of time, such as grant writing and scientific article writing, can overactivate wide range of neuropathways, as the neurons does not have enough time to re-uptake the neurotransmitters, resulting in extended activation, like a short-cut, fail to disengage; then, the neurons are exhausted with neurotransmitter and result in "total blank", neuropathways can not be activated anymore --that's "total mental exhaustion".
That's why you need to rest, need to take breaks during intense creative writing. And it is also important to take some time off after a big intense writing project over an extended period. Just let it be, let it wander, let it idle, give enought time for neurons to recover, clean up residual neurotransmitters in the synaptic junctions, synthesize new neurotransmitters, build new synaptic vesicles, and get the neuropathway clear and ready..... This is extremely important to keep sustained, sharp mind, longevity of healthy and sharp mind.
Let it go, let it be, let it wander, let it idle, no decision to make, no guilty to feel (as you are not working as hard) (as you have worked extremely hard)...... let it regroup, let it recover, let it rebuild, stronger...... be reflective, be quiet, be collective, ....
Vacation doesn't necessarily help. If your vacation is filled with busy travel and sightseeing, running everywhere; it adds new use of other neuropathways and new activities. The exhausted part of the brain is recovering, but not necessarily the fastest recovery, may be actually delayed. A leisure, relaxed vacation may be more suitable for such recovery.......
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